What is an Underground Storage Tank (UST or known as Underground Oil-Tank)? An Underground Oil-Tank is a large tank commonly made up of metal. There have been fiberglass and other types of materials used for the Underground Tanks in the past. These tanks are what held the fuel oil used to heat a furnace or heating element inside of a home or building. It was popular in the early 1900s to bury these tanks since there were not many rules or regulations against doing so. As time went on people started to realize that this was not a safe procedure so they eventually were recommended to be removed. People still buried these tanks up until the 1990's. The rule change for possible removals didnt occur until around 2010.
What is a decommissioned Oil-Tank? A decommissioned oil tank or what some people call abandoned in place is a procedure used to help clean and fill the underground oil tanks to pass inspections. This proccess usually consisted of (but not always) cutting open part of the tank and cleaning out all the oil and left over residue and then filling it with sand, gravel, foam, or any other type of material. This was usually done with a permit and inspected by a local town inspector. If it passed the inspection then a certificate was given to the owner of the property. If it was not passed then remediation and possible removal would have taken place again usually with a permit. Around 2010 is when the rules changed and the decommissioning process stopped.
Do your prices change? Pricing does vary depending on the type of property we are inspecting and what we are inspecting for. If you would like a break down of our pricing please reach out and one will be provided.
How long do any of these inspections take? This depends on the size of the property we are inspecting and what we are inspecting for. Sometimes an inspection could be only 15 minutes while other times it could take several hours. The technician will usually inform the client at the location or prior to scheduling.
When will I receive my report and can I transfer the report? We try to send out our reports within the same business day or next business day. Reports are only sent out after the inspection has been paid for. In the case of a client paying by check we may wait for the check to clear before sending out the report. Reports will be emailed over to the client and/or clients realtor & attorney. While performing the inspections, our technician will be taking photos of the property. These pictures are saved in a file and usually are only provided with reports when an anomaly with potential issues are found. Our reports are transferable upon request from the new purchaser of report. A small fee is needed prior to being able to transfer the report into the new clients name.
Are you insured? We are fully insured with Liability and E&O insurance. We also insure our vehicles and the items we use for the inspections.
What is and how is the Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) used? The GPR is a radar in a cart that sends signals down through the subsurface which in return bounce back up to the main control and provides images in real time on our screen in front of us. The GPR is often compared to that of a fish finder or a sonogram. The GPR is used to see the image underneath the ground rather then having to perform an exploratory dig. Just like any equipment the GPR does have its limitations. There are times our visibility underneath the surface may not be as clear while using the GPR but, the technician will go over and provide all details about any issues.
What does Potential & Clear mean on your report? Our reports are separated into two parts. The potential part means we potentilly located an Underground Storage Tank after our inspection was complete. We say potential because there are times when we come across anomalies that have all the characteristics of an Underground Storage Tank however, could be something totally different (i.e. large water heater, tub, fridge, etc, all have similiar shape to one of an oil-tank) The clear report gives you the all clear that no Underground Storage Tank was located.